This past weekend all the YSA's in the area can a huge conference, we had a major dance, workshops and then Elder Ballard and Elder Gay (from the 70) came and spoke to us.
Friday night was the dance, there were tons of people and I had 3 friends that I pretty much stayed with and we had a blast! We danced so much and we each danced with a few guys but they didn't really play any slow songs, they only played 4 maybe 5 at the most. It was still fun though.
That night we all stayed with host families for the night and Saturday morning we went back and did our workshops all day.
The theme for the conference was "My Anchor in Adversity" pretty good theme I though, but I wasn't expecting it be SO good..
My brother has this friend, she's over here on a visa from another country and they talk ALL the time. Seriously no joke, they talk everyday! But I didn't know her all that well, we've talked a few times but not a lot.
At the conference we were rarely ever apart, we stayed together and did everything together, Friday night we both couldn't sleep because we had to sleep in the floor and it was horrible so we talked all night. We both shared some pretty deep secrets and we became very good friends, it was really nice to have somebody I could talk to face to face and who had gone through so many of the things I have.
We shared some of the same trials and hurt, so it was amazing to be have another person who understood and was willing to listen.
Saturday when the workshops started we pulled out note books and were taking notes and in our last class the teacher was very prepared. He handed everyone a little card and told them to hold onto it, as he's talking about different trials and pains then told us to each write our hardest most gut wrenching painful adversity that we've had thus far, I thought for a a second and my pin kinda already knew what to write.. I wrote it and then the teacher took all the cards tossed them in a hat and passed the hat around the room, each person was to take a card and read it.. I freaked! I didn't want anyone to read what I wrote, I got very nervous and kept looking around the room trying to figure out who got my card.
Thankfully no one read mine.. After that the teacher kept talking and he said that we should all be glad for our adversity, he talked about how pain can be a good thing that Heavenly Father isn't going to let us hurt too much.. Well when he said that I broke into tears, I though about what I wrote on my card and hoe badly I suffered and still do because of that trail, I cried so much that my two friends beside me and even my brother beside our friend noticed. My friend that I had stayed with pulled out a hanky and whipped my tears and hugged me because without asking she knew what was going through my head.
After the classes were over everybody filled the chapel to get ready for Elder Ballard, I had written a note to an R.M that was there and I had first put it on his car but it started to rain so I got it back before he did, so I gave it to my friend who took it to him, he was sitting in the row infront of me so I kinda slipped out of the room while she did it. In the hall I bumped into this older man by mistake (I was so tired I didn't even see him till I ran into his back) as he turned around I apologized then realized who it was, it was Elder Ballard! I felt bad, he asked me if I was alright then asked how I enjoyed the conference. I told him I really needed to hear what he had to say and that I was thankful for it, then I told him that my brother and I were so excited he was there that my brother was sitting there spazzing out saying "It's an apostle it's an apostle!!!" Elder Ballard laughed and said "The one with the cool leather clothes?" I said 'Yes sir that's Manti, we're native american.' He looked at me for a second and said softly "Manti..Manti, Manti Bailey? I know that name well!" my jaw dropped.. EVERYONE know him, even the apostles? Seriously?! Elder Ballard shook my hand and had to leave, as he's walking away I thought to say, "I'm Mesa by the way!" he laughed and was lost from view by his security people..
How totally AWESOME is that? The security people said he wasn't suppose to talk to anyone face to face outside the group. So I think I was pretty lucky, even if he didn't know MY name..
Talking to Elder Ballard was the most amazing part, but I've gotta say the whole conference was so spiritual and so very much what I needed to hear and feel. I NEEDED to be there! It was amazing and helped me find MY anchor in adversity.. :)